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Rüdiger Trautsch

Rüdiger Trautsch was born in Hamburg in 1946. He first attended the University of Design, Armgartstraße, and worked as a layouter in advertising agencies.

From 1973 to 1981 he studied at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts. His diploma thesis was a one-year photographic daily observation of an older homosexual in the St. Georg district: Hardly anyone did it out of love (Aus Liebe hat es kaum einer getan).


In 1981, with his partner Ken Hall, he opened a photo studio on the corner of Spaldingstrasse, not far from the FRONT.

He photographed for Stern, Vogue, Max, and Lichtbild, portrayed Andy Warhol, Marianne Sägebrecht, Meret Oppenheim and Natalia Wörner. He repeatedly documented the activities of the gay liberation movement and subculture.


His works are in the collections of the Gay Museum Berlin and the Museum of Art and Trade Hamburg.

Rüdiger Trautsch will bequeath his complete works to the Schwules Museum Berlin.

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Kurfürstenstraße 31/32
10785 Berl

Supported by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur
und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt

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